Hoffpauir Polaris® Hunting Equipment
To serve all your outdoor needs we also stock high quality Deer Feeders, Game Racks by Outback Wildlife Sustems and Custom Deer Blinds by Ranch King
Call us now for more info or pricing (855) 648-3341
CP Exotic and Whitetail 1000# 2000# 3000#
Corn Feeders 1000# 2000# 3000#
Air Driven Feed System 125# Corn per minute
Operate from a truck bed or receiver hitch compatible
Quail and Turkey Feeder
Game Racks with lights, 4 600# capacity winches
Ranch King Deer Blinds In Stock call us for more info
Call us now at (325) 648-2653 for pricing on Nature Blinds Products
Boss Hawg traps Standard 4'x8'x3' trap built with 1.5" 14 gauge primed tubing. The door and trigger are what makes these traps unique. The one-way side swing door is spring loaded for multiple catches. Our top set trigger with 1/8" cable is easy to set and very durable Retail $425 special price $349